Boost Engagement, Amplify Productivity, Ignite Innovation, Remove Whatever Stands In The Way.

"For Companies That Endure,

Simplicity Brings Its Own Rewards!"

Do you want to unlock strengths inside your organization’s culture to navigate new markets and technologies so you come out ahead of competition? Commitment to high performance means removing whatever stands in the way. Kick bureaucracy to the curb! Master the tools and techniques you need to tackle any kind of complexity in your organization without additional overhead, expensive tool licenses or hiring extra staff.

With over 25 years of experimentation, we're excited to unveil our battle-tested systems for driving successful and innovative product development organizations. Learn how to set up a system where people enjoy coming to work, every single day. As such give birth to unseen creativity in your organization.

Our Mini Power Courses provide a detailed roadmap to nurture and initiate impactful changes in your organization. You gain not just practical strategies, but a surge of enthusiasm and inspiration, embarking on an uplifting journey towards spectacular growth, engagement and creativity in your organization.

Skip Years of Trial & Error... Enroll Now

Some words from those that went before you...

Michal Donat

...a life-changing experience...

...drivers are on your side: your learning, your persistent change, and your impact...

...always has a lot of tools, tips, tricks, and examples ready to provide you based on context similar to yours...

Suzanne Kelder-Roosen

...most of all inspired and guided us...

...understands Agile, change and organizational dynamics...

...helped me forward...

Michaël Vanderheeren

...driven by a fantastic amount of energy and love...

...helped us think from the inside-out and organizational setups that work...

...think beyond the operational perspective and in terms of business success...

Marlyse Schuermans

...principles and practices, which are effortlessly conveyed through clear explanations...

...engaging real-life examples...

...contagious, inspiring me for excellence...

Vincent Hennebert

...and most important: the why behind those mechanics...

...understanding of principles that are key to a successful implementation...

...principles get the space they deserve...

Amber Dhert

...buckle up and turn off your notification, because the trainings are not-to-miss-out-on...

...highly engaging, challenges you as an attendee to make sure you get as much out of your investment as you possibly can...

Turning to "Simplification" is your roadmap to carve a success story for your organization.

Witness the wave of elevated commitment, impeccable consistency, and a noteworthy increase in productive momentum.

Our courses are jam-packed with actionable tips, strategies, and insider secrets that will empower you to transform your and your work mates' energy into impressive progression towards your goals.

Time to say "NO" to bureaucracy in your organization!

In the labyrinthine corridors of modern corporate structures, the term 'bureaucracy' has become synonymous with a stranglehold.

For product managers, every bureaucratic layer added often feels like another weight pulling down innovative ideas, stalling them in their tracks. They're saddled with an avalanche of paperwork, countless approval processes, and stifling protocols. What should be a streamlined path to product development turns into a convoluted maze where the end goal becomes blurry.

Project managers don't fare any better. Instead of orchestrating the fluid rhythm of tasks and timelines, they find themselves trapped in a web of red tape. Each meeting feels like déjà vu – discussing the same points, rehashing the same arguments, awaiting the same elusive approvals. The initial enthusiasm and energy dissipate, replaced by frustration and fatigue.

At the executive level, the pain is magnified. The weight of overseeing vast teams and massive projects, combined with the added friction of bureaucratic procedures, can make decision-making a Herculean task. Every delay, every redundant process chips away at the organization's agility, responsiveness, and competitive edge.

But imagine a world without the chokehold of unnecessary bureaucracy. A world where your vision isn't clouded by layers of red tape, where decisions are swift, actions quicker, and innovation is the norm rather than the exception. The answer isn't in adding more processes, but in stripping them away or rather replacing many by a few more engaging ones.

It's time for you to simplify and address all kinds of complexity in your organizations. And... that's why "Simplification Works" was born.

We'll build courses that will help you address specific pain points in the system so you can learn to enable emergent solutions. For example:

➸ Horizontal complexity - consolidating functions across the enterprise, growing highly effective cross functional product teams.

➸ Vertical complexity - shedding obsolete roles, layers and reporting structures in order for fast decision making and increased flexibility.

➸ Spatial complexity - preparing distributed and remote teams for success, digital is in our genes.

➸ Technical complexity - removing technical debt by decoupling, XP and DevOps practices, growing products instead of building them.

Do you want to unlock strengths inside your organization’s culture to navigate new markets and technologies so you come out ahead of competition? Commitment to high performance means removing whatever stands in the way.

Stay tuned, we're just getting started!

What's our story?

Hi, I'm Steven Deneir...

...and I was once in your shoes. I started as a team member filled with passion and excitement, only to realize that a lot of my energy was wasted into reporting project and product status that not me nor my team needed. After all, we worked together and already knew the status.

As a team member I tried all the tips and tricks I could find, but nothing seemed to work. So, I transitioned to become a Manager, even better, a Project Manager and I was not just one out of many, no I became the expert and was even granted to provide PMBok & PMI courses to others.

Still, things did not turn out as I expected and only after years of experimenting, and collaborating with Jurgen, I found some hidden gems to make it all work. Not only for the teams but also for their managers, organization as a whole and its customers.

It's based on that journey you'll find some gems of mine in our product catalog. It is my goal to give you a kickstart to success.

Hi, I'm Jurgen De Smet...

...and I have walked the path you're on. I've seen the potential for positives shifts within the organization I was part of, and I embraced that potential with passion and excitement. But as I delved deeper, I realized that a significant chunk of my energy was being drained by approvals and paperwork weighed down by red tape.

The bureaucracy mass index (aka BMI) or corporate obesity index (aka COI) were that significant that I felt there must be simpler ways to get things done. Back in 1998 I began trying out so called "Agile" ways of working, learned their inner secrets, and using them not just for one team, but for the whole company, even outside the tech departments.

Today, after years of experimenting, I know that it's not about "Agile" at all, it's about a couple of powerful principles and practices that change the organization's systems dynamics in such a way only growth and engagement becomes an option.

The key, I discovered, is simplification. Hence "Simplification Works". I want to share these ideas and steps with you, so you can become the star at your company's big events.

Time for you to join the movement and become a...

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