Attention to all professionals blindly following the recipes brought by frameworks

Finally! The New Way To Organizational Excellence.

Navigating beyond pre-defined paths of Agile frameworks, growing business capabilities at rocket speeds.

Unlock a new realm of Agile Product Development: This 38-page essay and 40min narration guide you beyond conventional frameworks to a tailored path of organizational excellence. Incl real-life insights for continuous evolution towards higher engagement and productivity. Dive in for a transformative journey!

Formats available: PDF, ePUB, MP3

Here's A Taste Of What You Can Expect

When You Read The eBook...

The Cold Hard TRUTH About Agile Framework Conformity.

We'll reveal what's REALLY happening behind the scenes and why it seems so obvious.

5 Steps to Help You Grow Relevant Business Capabilities Quickly & Easily

We've used these steps to accelerate the results for our clients so they are that proud of what they achieved they can't keep quiet (see eBook addenda for examples) - now YOU can do the same!

Why Relying On Existing Frameworks Isn't Always The Best Choice For You

Trusting on established frameworks is always the best right? Wrong! We'll show you why there's a lot more to it than first meets the eye and what to do instead.

The Vital Key To Foster A Continuous Improvement Culture As Fast As Possible

This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to continuous business success and without it you are doomed to failure - make sure you have this at all costs.

What Never To Do When Initiating An Agile Transformation.

Please, never EVER do this on your journey to agility in product development (unless you want to feel or see frustration around you for YEARS longer than you need to)

Meet The Creator, Jurgen De Smet

Over 30 Years In The Industry

Hi there, I'm Jurgen, and with over 25 years in the industry, I've been around the block, trying various frameworks, yet never finding one that hit the mark 100%. Through my experiences, I've tackled Agile Transformations and assisted numerous organizations in stripping away complexities that hinder their journey to becoming outstanding workplaces, all while driving significant business outcomes.

Why should you listen to me? I've not only walked the walk but also got my clients to sing praises from the rooftops about their achievements. We're talking about skyrocketing developer engagement, enhanced communication, stellar product ownership, and even achieving up to 400% productivity gains and over 80% workforce satisfaction. Don't just take my word for it; there's a whole list of references in the appendix of the eBook.

This eBook isn't just a read; it's a treasure trove of insights on kick-starting successful transformations. It lays the groundwork for the kind of success that follows when you truly understand what's broken in the current approach to adopting Agile Frameworks. Let’s dive in!

Here's Another Taste Of What To Expect...

The Agile Impasse: The Unexpected Culprit

Once upon a time in the corporate realm, the Agile manifesto emerged as a beacon of hope, promising to steer organizations towards a haven of continuous improvement and responsive product development. The marketplace buzzed with the whispers of Scrum, Kanban, and SAFe, as organizations embarked on a quest to attain the Agile elixir. However, as time spun its wheel, many found themselves entrapped in a maze of rigid frameworks, the very antithesis of Agile’s essence.

The promise of fluidity turned into a tale of conformity, the hope of innovation overshadowed by the chains of pre-defined methodologies.

The culprit? An over-reliance on one-size-fits-all Agile frameworks that stifled the very innovation it promised to foster. Our narrative delves into this paradox, unlocking the chains that bind organizations to the monolith of traditional Agile frameworks.

Your Odyssey to Continuous Evolution

As dawn breaks, there emerges a pathway veiled in the mist of organizational folklore, a path that transcends the beaten tracks of traditional Agile frameworks. This is where our narrative takes a turn towards the uncharted, towards a realm where simplicity reigns supreme.

Unlike the rigid doctrines of mainstream Agile frameworks, this essay will empower you to tailor a narrative that resonates with your organization's unique saga. It’s about embracing a dynamic ethos that evolves with your success, fostering a culture of continuous evolution tailored to your organizational milieu.

As you traverse through the pages of this essay, you’ll embark on a voyage of self-discovery, unearthing a blueprint to navigate through the complexities of modern-day product development. The treasure? A legacy of unyielding progress, tailored to the rhythm of your organization’s heartbeat.

Unveiling the Treasure Map: Your Guide to Unchartered Triumphs

As you leaf through the pages of this enlightening essay, you’re not just reading text but embarking on a quest laden with insights waiting to be discovered. Your compass? A collection of real-life implementations, battle-tested practices, and a fresh perspective that challenges the status quo.

Inside this essay you...

  • Discover the core pitfalls of rigid Agile frameworks.
  • Uncover the essence of visual management and its transformative potential.
  • Navigate through real-life implementations and lessons learned.
  • Access battle-tested practices and routines to jumpstart your journey.
  • Embrace a new interpretation of KPI to keep your organization thriving.


What is the core message of this essay?

This essay challenges the conventional adoption of rigid Agile frameworks and advocates for a more fluid, simplified approach to drive meaningful and sustainable organizational change. Focussed on business capabilities and not conformity to a one-size-fits-all framework.

Who is this essay intended for?

This essay is a goldmine for leaders, managers, and professionals involved in product development, keen on exploring beyond the cookie-cutter Agile frameworks towards a more tailored pathway to continuous improvement and business success.

How will this essay benefit me?

By delving into this essay, you'll unearth practical insights, real-life implementations, and a fresh perspective that could be the catalyst for transforming your organizational processes, enhancing product development, and fostering a culture of continuous growth.

How can I apply the insights from this essay in my organization?

The essay not only offers a critical analysis of traditional Agile frameworks but provides actionable steps and exercises to help you tailor a an approach that resonates with your organization's unique dynamics. Become the one that made a continuous drive to success a habit in your organization!

How can I get in touch for more personalized guidance or share feedback?

We welcome you to reach out through the contact section in the eBook for a more personalized discussion on how you can navigate your transformation journey. Your success is our priority! And... we cherish feedback and active discussions, neverhesitate to connect.